2025 Artist Info
The Incognito Art Show is made possible by our amazing community of artists that donate artworks. We are very grateful for the contributions of every participating artist.
Who can be an artist?
EVERYONE is welcome to participate as an artist in the Incognito Art Show, regardless of experience and age. International artists are welcome too.
How do artists sign up to participate?
Our artist registrations for 2025 is now open, register here.
What does the artist do?
Once you are registered, we will ship an artist pack to your mailing address. This artist pack will include an information sheet with instructions, and three A5 artwork cards for you to make your original artworks on.
Once you have made your artworks and filled in the artwork details form, you ship the artworks back in the supplied return envelope.
*Please note: International artists will receive a digital artist pack to ensure sufficient return delivery time allowance.
Can I sign the artwork?
You can NOT sign the front of the artwork with any identifying signatures, names etc. We may not include these artworks in the show.
I want to start right away!
That's great! No problem at all. You can stick canvas or paper, or any other product that is A5 in size to your cards once you receive them.
How are artworks exhibited?
We display all artworks online on our website after registration closes. We also display as many artworks as we can in our in-person venue that hosts our sale days. With the volume we expect, not all artworks will be displayed physically.
What type of artworks are accepted?
It must be original. We don't accept reproduced prints.
If it's one of on, feel free to use any technique, medium, or subject matter. We love the variety! As long as the artwork is original and is made on, or adhered to the supplied artwork card (A5 in size).
Can I use my own paper / alternative substrate?
Yes! As long as the artwork is A5 in size, and adhered to the supplied artwork card. e.g. This means you can paint on canvas and then stick it to the card.
Are sculptures accepted?
Absolutely! Sculptures should be approximately the size of a closed fist, or smaller.
Will I get notified when you receive my returned artwork?
Unfortunately, we are unable to notify individual artists when we receive artworks. however once we upload your work on to out website, you'll receive a link to that artwork in your profile on this website. Artists may choose to add tracking to their return envelope at the post office.
What happens to unsold artworks?
We hold onto unsold artworks and include them in the following year's show. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to return artworks.
Do artists receive any payment?
All artworks contributed to the show are donations. In 2025, the profits will go towards funding programs at Studio A and The Art Factory, both organisations that support professional development for artists living with disability.
If contributing artwork to the Incognito Art Show will compromise your income or have a negative effect on your finances, we ask you to support us in other ways, for example following and engaging with our social media pages. We are grateful for all forms of support! We don’t want any artists to contribute that don’t have the means to.
What happens after the sale period is over?
THE BIG REVEAL! We reveal all artworks' artists... that means if your name is John Smith and your artwork was number 554, then once we do the big reveal, it'll then be named 'John Smith'.